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⚡️⚡️🚫- Lightning never strikes twice 
➡️👂💢👂➡️-  in one ear out the other 
🌲🚫📢🐕🌳- You’re barking up the wrong tree 
🍰- that's a piece of cake 
🍳⤴️🔥- Out of the frying pan and into the fire
 🎣〰➕⚓️- Hook line and sinker 
🎯⭐️⭐️- Aim for the stars 
🏆🔬📦- The best things come in small packages 
🐅🚫 ⚫️ ⚪️ ⚫️ 🔄 🔴 🔵 🔴 - A leopard can’t change its spots 
🐱✊👅- cat got your tongue 
🚫👙🔀- Don’t get your knickers in a twist 
🐸😍👸 - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 
🐶🐩🐕📅- Every dog has its day 
🐘🚫💭- An elephant never forgets 
☝️➕🔭🌌 - Above and beyond 
👉⤵️🌏- come down to earth 

🏃💥🔊▶️📝🔉- Actions speak louder than words 
🔨👴- Hit the nail on the head 
😗💨🎨😒- As exciting as watching paint dry 
🙏🚫😠👉- Beggars can’t be choosers
 🚫😭🍼💦- Don’t cry over spilt milk 
🍯👏😟- Sticky situation
 🐖➡️✈️- When pigs can fly 

Idioms: Gallery
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